Command line mode (silent run params)
You can start ReplaceMagic also from command line with pre-configured configuration file. This is practical if you want to automate your document migration like, for example, having tools use to move files from one to other location and after that you want automatically to fix links according to migration details.
To help with configuration file preparation we introduced option to automatically create XML configuration.
To enable creation of config file from ReplaceMagic in Search&Replace form you can click on "Silent run params" button which will open new form where you will see XML structure containing all options that you set for ReplaceMagic run.
To have full list of parameters prepare everything like that you want to run search&replace:
- select location where documents are (Scan Documents)
- enter search&replace strings in Search&Replace form
- select areas where changes should be done
- run Silent run parameters and copy and paste content of that form to your config file
- start application with ReplaceMagic ConfigFile1.xml
- as we support start with multiple configuration files you can create them all (of course, you can do that also manually or from any tool that you are using to move files) and then start application with "ReplaceMagic ConfigFile1.xml ConfigFile2xml ... ConfigFileX.xml". It is important to have just SPACE between coonfiguratino files.
- Full docs scan - by setting this parameter ReplaceMagic will scan content of files, otherwise documents will be only listed for replacement process
- Encrypt connect data - if this parameter is set ReplaceMagic will encrypt username and password used to connect to SharePoint to reduce risk if somebody has access to configuration file as everything else will be saved in plain text
- Save result files - after silent run is done ReplaceMagic will export content of all tabs to Excel files. Files should be stored in C:\Users\Your_User\AppData\Roaming\ReplaceMagic under name of config filename plus "_ScanDocuments_TIMESTAMP.xlsx" and "_SearchAndReplace_TIMESTAMP.xlsx". In case that there are skipped documents after scanning on SharePoint, they will be also exported (filename format: SkippedFilesExport_COMANDLINEFILENAME_TIMESTAMP.csv and SP_SkippedFilesExport_COMANDLINEFILENAME_TIMESTAMP.csv)
- Send results on email - processing results are sent on email configured over Configuration - Notifications
- Show notification popup on processing completion - by setting this popup ReplaceMagic will show notification popup to highlight that processing is completed (in additional to this notification in progress bar)
- Close ReplaceMagic on completion - by setting this parameter, ReplaceMagic will be automatically closed after last XML file is processed as long as in that file you have this parameter. To be on the safe side, if you have multiple XML files, set this parameter in all of them.
To have complete file set all options how you need them for normal search&replace process and generate this file which you can use afterwards to start ReplaceMagic from command prompt or to generate with any other tool XML file in ReplaceMagic readable format.
This option is frequently used for automation of document migration process.