ReplaceMagic supports replacements in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Visio, OneNote, Windows shortcuts, PDF and any text (ASCII) documents stored in different locations like SharePoint (after O365 migration).
Server migration, folder restructuring, SharePoint migration, O365 migration, file system changes -> ReplaceMagic can help you fix broken links in documents but also in SharePoint pages (Wiki, Canvas or .aspx)
ReplaceMagic supports native integration with SharePoint (OnPremise and Online) incl. SharePoint MFA. Fix broken links in documents stored on SharePoint or O365, keep meta data like last modification date and editor.
Where to use ReplaceMagic
Use scroller on the right side to see in which scenarios ReplaceMagic can help you

You have broken hyperlinks, OLE object links, Link Sources... in your Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Visio, Project, OneNote or PDF documents. Fix broken links using friendly ReplaceMagic design. Simple enter search and replacement string and let ReplaceMagic fix broken documents.
If you move documents, complete folders or even servers most likely hyperlinks/links in your documents will not work any more or your header and footer are with company address but you changed your office, ReplaceMagic can hep fix wrong data in any of those two cases.
As ReplaceMagic is making changes in documents without need that you open, do manipulation, save, close and open new document complete scan & replacement process is very fast. We are also working on new ReplaceMagic version that will allow parallel processing of documents bringing significant performance improvement.
Scan documents
In first phase let ReplaceMagic scan your documents. This will show you how many links you have and also reveal how they look like. Of course, findings can be exported in different formats for reporting purposes.
Use created reports to decide what would be the best strategy to make changes in your documents. ReplaceMagic team can always assist during your document migration projects.
Make replacements
You know what is broken and also what would be your replacements, great, run ReplaceMagic and let it fix your broken links based on your requirements.
Supported documents
Currently supported document types (Microsoft Office + Adobe PDF + Windows Shortcuts + any TXT (HTML, JavaScript, ...))